arm cortex-m tm4c microcontrollers linux C misc hardware mongodb database openOCD gcc make Nodejs Express MongoDB REST-API Backend Docker Nginx Linux AWS React Redux Frontend Windows WSL Data-Structures Implementations Lists JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 Hash Tables
Embedded Systems
Bare-Metal ARM Cortex-M Firmware Development with GCC and Makefiles
Flashing Firmware to ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers using OpenOCD
Writing the Startup Code and Linker Script for the TM4C ARM Microcontroller from scratch
Getting started with the TM4C Launchpad on a Linux System
How WSL2 and VSCode Make Windows 10 the Best OS for Software Development
ASUS X510UNR : Best Budget Linux laptop
Systems Administration and DevOps
Hosting Multiple Full Stack Web Apps on a single VPS using Nginx and Docker
How to Migrate or Copy MongoDB documents to another Server
Web Development
Differences Between Redux and Redux Toolkit and Why Should You Upgrade
Multiple Image Galleries in a Single Page using ES6 JavaScript
MERN Sessions-Based Login and Registration App Final Part : React & Redux Frontend
MERN Sessions-Based Login and Registration App Part Two React & Redux Frontend
MERN Sessions-Based Login and Registration App Part One : Node.JS, Express and MongDB REST API Backend
Computer Science Fundamentals