Shade Jekyll Theme
Shade is a modern, well documented and responsive CSS Flexbox based theme for the Jekyll static-site generator Best suited for a personal website + blog, was used for a previous version of this website

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# Shade Jekyll Theme
Shade is a modern, well documented, responsive theme for the Jekyll static-site generator
Best suited for a personal website + blog, currently used for this website.
Built using: HTML, CSS, Markdown.
- Uses Barlow font family for text, and monospace for code snippets
- Highlight.js with atom-one-dark syntax highlight theme instead of rouge or pygments for highlighting code blocks
- Modern persistent sidebar for Desktop, using Font-Awesome icons.
- Collapsible menu with persistent top-bar for mobiles
- Homepage that displays excrepts of blog posts, with read more links to full posts
- Pagination support, displays only the most recent 5 posts.
- About Page and Portfolio/ Projects page.
- Archives section, displays all blog posts by year, with only date and title, no excrepts
- Can be deployed on Github Pages or on an
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